We’re so thrilled to have implemented waste management at the Mumbai office of Insider.in, a curated lifestyle platform that gives people access to a handpicked selection of events and experiences. You know the office takes its sustainability efforts seriously when their townhall questions include “When are we going zero waste?”.
An office of more than 50 people, they discard less than 1.2 kgs of waste daily. Folks at the office segregate their waste into 3 separate bins for Food waste, Recyclable waste and Landfill waste. This allows the office to manage this waste effectively. The office has an in-house composter to manage it’s biodegradable waste (like fruit peels, food scraps, coffee grounds and tea leaves). The office sends its recyclable waste to an NGO for turning these into new products.
The office uses only reusable plates and cutleries (including handmade, lead-free, ceramic plates and mugs 💚). Paper cups have exited the scene and everyone at the office uses reusable water bottles and ceramic mugs.
They have also significantly reduced their water consumption by using waterless urinals and water-saving taps; this saves thousands of litres of water each month 💧🌏